Wind blows afloat your name, the moon put down to the dust the passing world-bound, and tomorrow, the first ray of the rising sun in Jiangnan, is there anyone who can read its feeling? 风吹起你的名字,月谢落过往的尘缘,明天,烟雨江南孕育的第一缕晨曦,有谁能解它的情衷?
As a result, familiar details of the Moon's nearside are easy to pick out, including the smooth lunar mare and the large ray crater Tycho. 结果,月球近地面熟悉的图案很容易就能看出来,包括平滑的月海和巨大的第谷环形山。
Loves is not holds, you like the moon, impossible to take down the moon places in the wash bowl, but moon's ray still might illuminate enters your room. 爱不是占有,你喜欢月亮,不可能把月亮拿下来放在脸盆里,但月亮的光芒仍可照进你的房间。
The moon bathed the landscape in her pale cold ray at a different phase and with varied brightness. 在不同的时候,月亮以不同的亮度将她惨淡的冷光沐浴在地貌上。